Recent content by Tambri

  1. T

    How to edit newly added additives?

    Just doublechecked and I can edit as you've outlined. What I can't find is the screen that comes up when you add a new additive. It would be helpful to be able to access this screen since it shows things like when/how to add, how much to use, etc. Screenshot below. If the problem is still...
  2. T

    How to edit newly added additives?

    Ugh, must not have had enough coffee yet. Thanks!
  3. T

    How to edit newly added additives?

    I added a number of Additives to a purchase (natural colorants recently purchased.) I wanted to go back and edit them (not the purchase, the individual additives) to add some additional information, but I can't figure out how to get back to the screen for the individual additives. Am I missing...