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  1. M

    Show Off Your Soaps!

    The first is Cyclone, I used CP with Steric acid in the batch and it gave me a lot of grief, but ended up turning out pretty unique. The second CP is High tide it has dried kelp and Hemp oil. Third is Ion Storm, this has infused Saguaro cactus flowers and seeds (from my own cacti) with dried...
  2. M

    Free Falling

    Allow lye / filtered ice water and cool to 100 degrees Add lye water to oils at 100ish degrees. Mix with emulsion blender in 5 second bursts stirring manually 15 seconds until light trace. Add sugar Separate into 2 batches ¾ and ¼. add blue mica color to ¾ batch, stir then add to ¼ batch white...
  3. M

    High tide

    Add clay to lye water and cool to 100 degrees Add clay / lye water to oils at 100ish degrees. Mix with emulsion blender in 5 second bursts stirring manually 15 seconds until light trace. Add sugar and mica color stir then add essential oils and fragrance. Once stirred in before thick trace add...
  4. M

    Goats milk Essential Soap

    at light trace: add clay & fragrance/essential oils hand mix separate to 2 equal portions; loosely add charcoal to one and the required color of the soap to the other. swirl the two into a cylindrical mold.