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  1. L

    Ingredient lost in all recipes

    Oh I am so sorry! My numbers lock was on. I can type in the amount.
  2. L

    Ingredient lost in all recipes

    Since changing the form to make specialty liquids separate, all my recipes have lost the Goat's Milk previously listed in them! When I try to add 3.85 oz back takes FOREVER to go by .01 incriments!!! (Not user friendly, and might be a game changer for how well I like this app.) It...
  3. L


    Thank you!
  4. L


    Yes, thank you.
  5. L

    Super fat

    It seems to me that the more lye (less super fat) in a recipe, the more suds in the bar. If true, is it possible to reflect that in the properties listed in the recipe (Bubbly)? Thank you so much1
  6. L


    Is it possible to switch the % column with the amt column? I'm sometimes absent minded enough to use the % as an amt. :-(
  7. L

    oz vs grams

    Thank you for your help. I went in and made sure those were in oz, but when I go to create a batch, everything still shows in grams (when the batch is open.) And do I have to make a different recipe for every fragrance if I want the fragrance to show in the batch info? Thank you so much!
  8. L

    oz vs grams

    When creating a batch, all the measurements are in grams. Is there a way to change that to oz. (My brain doesn't do grams). Also would be nice if it would give a total cost for each batch. Cost of lye isn't even being shown in "my batch" right now. Thank you!
  9. L

    Editing a recipe

    Thank you so much! But it is still reducing the size of the batch and I am unable to test different ingredients or % that way. Hope you can fix it soon! Also, is there a way to rename a recipe in the free version. Thanks!
  10. L

    Editing a recipe

    I am using the free version, and when I choose one of my recipes to open, the amount of ingredients listed is correct. But when I open it to edit, the numbers in the right hand column have all been reduced to an 8 oz batch. That is not helpful and I'd rather not re inter everything just to...