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  1. KNSoap

    Value On Hand Calculation

    When doing End of Year Inventory, it would be super helpful if we had an additional field that shows the total value of a supply item that is on hand. This is a number that we use to complete our taxes. I exported my supplies list and added a new column with a formula to determine the value of...
  2. KNSoap

    Edit Supply is no longer allowing me to change the “remaining” amount

    I have been doing inventory and have been able to change the “remaining” amount for my supplies but now it’s grayed out and I can’t alter what is remaining. This is a huge problem for me if I can’t update my actual supplies on hand quantity.
  3. KNSoap

    Ingredient Calculations Not Adding Up Correctly

    The ingredient calculations are not adding up to what they should be when using the % is based on “total batch”. For example, in this particular formula linked below, I have Sodium Lactate at 2% of total batch, and it calculates out to 117.63g; however, if the 2% is based on the total batch...
  4. KNSoap

    The Notes Field Missing DISREGARD!

    I found another thread on this. I was trying to update my formula notes and the notes field is missing! There is nothing there for me to put my notes.
  5. KNSoap

    Supply Location

    Is it possible to add a space for adding the location of supplies? For example, I have 5 racks and it would be so helpful if we could add the location of the supply when we input it. I would imagine a new entry field in “Edit Supply” or when adding a new purchase would be perfect! Just a...
  6. KNSoap

    Low Stock Alert

    Is it possible to establish a “low stock alert” on supplies so we know when to purchase more?
  7. KNSoap

    Shipping Costs Not Calculated

    Good day! I just realized that the shipping costs are not being calculated in the cost of an item in the inventory when used. Is there a reason for this? It should be part of the cost of portion and packaging. For example, these pottery candles cost $10 each, but with shipping at $30 for 21...
  8. KNSoap

    Packaging Costs Not Adding Up Accurately

    I just added a batch and the packaging costs aren’t adding up correctly. The purchase was added for 2 packages of 20 loofah rounds at $13.99 each. But the cost in the batch is showing as $13.99 for all 42 (I know there are 2 over what was purchased) when it should show $27.98 for the 40.
  9. KNSoap

    Problem Reviewing Batches

    I keep getting this error when I try to look at a batch. I need help so I can review previous batches.
  10. KNSoap

    Request to Add Phases to the Ingredient Drop Down Menu

    Is it possible to add a few more options for the drop down menu for ingredients? For non-soap items such as cosmetics, we typically use phases to identify what ingredients go together and when. It would be nice if we had the following options in the drop down menu so that in the recipe it...
  11. KNSoap

    Prickly Pear Seed Oil SAP Values Incorrect

    I was formulating a soap with prickly pear seed oil and the calculations are way off! The SAP Value of Prickly Pear Seed Oil is 169-174. The average would be 171.5. The necessary KOH to saponify 1 g of prickly pear seed oil should be ~0.1715g. The necessary NaOH to saponify 1 g of prickly...
  12. KNSoap

    Measurements Calculator Request

    Is it possible to incorporate a measurement calculator into the recipes portion? Here’s an example of what I mean: Measurement Calculator - Weight Volume Length Temperature Box Volume Cylinder Volume Many of us use various sizes and shapes of molds and this would be such a handy...
  13. KNSoap

    Cost of Portion Inaccurate

    I was adding a batch of candles that I made and the cost of portion is calculating wrong. I had to scale up the recipe in the system to accommodate 12 candles so I put the total grams, which was 4030g. Once I got everything added, the cost of portion calculated that it was $869!!! This is...
  14. KNSoap

    Editing Supplies

    How do I edit an ingredients information such as usage rates and recommendations? I’ve gone into “My Supplies” and pulled up the ingredient but this information is not in that particular screen. Maybe it should be??
  15. KNSoap

    Fragrance Input - Add New Field - IFRA Link

    Are you able to add a new field to the Fragrance input form? It would be helpful to be able to just add a link to the IFRA statement for the fragrance. This way you could just click the link to the IFRA statement when you’re adding a formula instead of having to go and find it each time you...
  16. KNSoap

    Add Fragrance % of Batch Request

    Is it possible to add another option under Fragrance for products that do not rely on oil weight so we can add % of total batch for our non-soap items? Thank you!
  17. KNSoap

    Saving Non-Soap Formulas

    Is it possible to be able to save a formula that doesn’t have any oils in it? The whole sheet is based on the percentage of oils used and this makes it difficult to add formulas that are non-soap that have no oils in them. Can the calculation be based on a total weight for non-soap...
  18. KNSoap

    Colorants Tab Inquiry

    Is it possible to have Colorants have it’s own section on Recipes and to have it’s own tab in Supplies just like Fragrances?
  19. KNSoap

    Packaging Cost Per Portion

    Is it possible to break down packaging in the same manner as the Cost Per Portion? It would make it much easier to see the full cost of portion rather than to have to do the math to break it down and then to determine the total cost per item.
  20. KNSoap

    QR Code Not Working

    It appears that the QR Code generator isn’t working. It just takes me to a 404 error