Cancel memberahip


New member
Aug 11, 2024

I tried to cancel my membership but could not find out how to. Can you please help?

Best regards gitte
If you’re using the site version, you can go in ‘my subscriptions’ and cancel there.
On the iOS app or Android app, you’ll need to do it on your device.

To cancel a subscription on an Apple device, you can:
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Manage next to Subscriptions
  3. Find the subscription you want to cancel and click Edit
  4. Click Cancel Subscription
To cancel and Android subscription:
  1. Open the Google Play Store app
  2. Tap your account profile picture
  3. Tap Payments & subscriptions
  4. Tap the subscription you want to cancel
  5. Tap Cancel subscription
  6. Tap Decline to answer
  7. Tap Continue
  8. Tap Cancel subscription
