Help with chemistry of liquefied bar soap characteristics


New member
Jul 16, 2024
I added overages from my last NaOH batch to distilled water. Mid-cure. First 2/1 DW/shavings. I got what must be a colloid. Having done this before with previous batches, it is very different than the watery suspension I always ended up with. Yogurt or Sour Cream are the best comparables I can think of.

First I just put the shavings in a clean glass jar to sit for a couple days. Looked like milk. Did not move when I swirled the jar (covered btw). I stirred it up and it was like breaking up fresh yogurt. Stirred to, milk (same look and consistency). Expecting it to gel on top, I checked a few hours later and it was back to a complete gel (?). So I added more water. Now roughly 4/1 DW/shavings. Stirred and left overnight. Again, yogurt. Not even runnier yogurt. What I believe would be an excellent traveling state.

I thought maybe bubbles, so I heated in a water bath. It turned to the yellow water I expected in the first place. I was a little disappointed to lose a characteristic I wanted to take advantage of. BUT, the next morning, a little less volume, but, YOGURT again! I was happy.

This is not a solid. Nor is it like the gel that I usually got with liquid lye based soaps on exposure to air. It can't be an emulsification unless there's it was contaminated, but it would have to be something that emulsifies with .01% or less. It acts the colloid of water and fat (Milk, yogurt, sour cream), but it doesn't separate at all like yogurt or Sour Cream. Plus it returns to a complete gelled colloid after heating to separation.

It's the first batch I've made without THC/CBD and the FIrst batch I've included Colloidal Gold (probably why I got Teal/Aquamarine {not a colour on the scale] on the PH test strips lol). Silver was in all previous batches. The glazing was scratched on the bottom of the Crock pot. Oils were heated to 85C and held 30 minutes when Lye/Water/colloids (at roughly 85C) were added. Essential oils added at light trace.

My goal was a conditioning/healing soap. Restored my psoriasis damaged skin cells in 3 weeks! Never even had a moisturizer make my skin feel this smooth and soft. Keeps certain blood drinking insects from biting too (I travel by cab and public transit. I doubt they improved their efforts at the same time I made my soap). So I'm at 125% success even without a better "Liquid" than I knew I could get.

Can anyone suggest what in my recipe might be repeated in future? Or even tests I can do? Or maybe is it something weird like how stabilized peanut butter separates in the jar overnight these days?

a gift.jpg
If anyone makes this. As is, I strongly recommend AGAINST "every wash" use. Maybe 1 shower/week/ Otherwise, you'll be getting blisters where you'd already toughened that skin. I started getting blisters from cutting up vegetables again. Makes your skin that soft!