Copying Recipes from others


New member
Sep 23, 2021
Is there a way to "lock" the recipe to the originator when its uploaded? Allow people to copy but not change?
#1 I found a lovely recipe here for a spa bar and tried to just copy it into my recipe file so I could try it out later. Somehow it reposted to database as my submission. (Not cool) Making it look like it was my recipe. I would like to keep a copy with the Originator persons name
#2 I found one of my Soaps reposted with entirely different ingredients altogether, but including all my comments, additions and process notes, I think it was accidental. If someone tried to make this it wouldn't work with the changes. Again, issue of locking the Original submission to the Original Profile.
You can keep any (or all) recipes private, or make them public. For the ones you don't want to share, you can make them private. I'll ask the developer about retaining the originators name on it.
Thank you- My concern was the person, I'm sure accidentally, was looking around and pulled it up for more info. Then did not realize what they were doing when they make changes to the oils and reduced measurements, leaving the custom add ins listed and unlisted the same weights, plus my comments and directions which would be completely unsuitable.
I love to share and am pleased others do also. I still feel a recipe should be "locked" to changes by the original account to post it. Another person could still print it, make changes, and resubmit their formulation if they desire, which when they get to the additives it automatically presents a suitable amount.
I'm writing some time later, obviously, but I'm also wondering about this issue. I've not had anyone copying or even borrowing my recipes but they're generic enough that if anyone did, they'd be easily modified and passed on as their own with no one the wiser.
However, there are some additions and methods that are unique to my recipes, which I specify in my comments, without which certain recipes wouldn't be the same. With which my issues and @Maggie458 above are quite similar. How would our recipes be blocked from being "borrowed" to that extent?
Thank you- My concern was the person, I'm sure accidentally, was looking around and pulled it up for more info. Then did not realize what they were doing when they make changes to the oils and reduced measurements, leaving the custom add ins listed and unlisted the same weights, plus my comments and directions which would be completely unsuitable.
I love to share and am pleased others do also. I still feel a recipe should be "locked" to changes by the original account to post it. Another person could still print it, make changes, and resubmit their formulation if they desire, which when they get to the additives it automatically presents a suitable amount.
Hey as a beginner I got warned for I think "hijacking" but I did not know what I was doing,I thought I was just following ppl as you are suggested to do. So ppl can get a little mixed up as this website/forum takes a while to get used to. I am paying a subscription now and it seems I am on a different forum or a sister forum to the original. Anyway am sure I will find my way. Good luck guys and look forward to your help 🙏❤️❤️❤️