Batch Recording


New member
Mar 26, 2022
I had posted earlier but for some reason cannot find the post. Was it removed due to some violation?

I have a wholesale order where they've requested batch coding. I've never batch coded and am a bit anxious moving forward. Does anyone have any tips or experience with the same?

This to ensure if there was a problem with a batch, they could recall it. Though I am fairly confident that this will not happen, I still am required to batch record and provide batch numbers.

I will be using 5kg moulds, say 10 batches per variant.

Any insight is appreciated.
I had posted earlier but for some reason cannot find the post. Was it removed due to some violation?

I have a wholesale order where they've requested batch coding. I've never batch coded and am a bit anxious moving forward. Does anyone have any tips or experience with the same?

This to ensure if there was a problem with a batch, they could recall it. Though I am fairly confident that this will not happen, I still am required to batch record and provide batch numbers.

I will be using 5kg moulds, say 10 batches per variant.

Any insight is appreciated.
Batch Numbers should contain following information:
1. Name of manufacturer
2. Name of soap maker
3. Ingredients
4. Amount of each ingredient
5. Variation
6. Manufacturer and Lab No. of ingredients used
7. Soap Manufacturing date
8. Soap expiration date
9. Curing time
10. Method of manufacture: CP/HP
11. Temperature at which soap was made
12. TFM
13. Any other information

Batch number : WYPBM
P - Plant where soap was made
B - batch number
M - Maker or individual ( initial of first name) in charge of line/or making soap batch

Hope this helps.
If you have made a PIF (product information file ) this will be easy
1) in your PIF should be all the information you need to recreate the soap ie oils used, lye concentration, % of oils and any official paperwork needed to create this product and sell to the public according to your country and government legislation
2)create a Batch File this should include description of the soap, a copy of the recipe used
2a) a list of suppliers used for ingredients there contact info and batch codes of all products used (I find this easier in spreadsheet form as a table) the batch codes should be numbers and or letters starting with (bc)or (lot) this is important. Include anything that goes into the product even the tiniest amount
2b) all written notes that you made while producing the product every detail that you can think (it takes a little longer to produce the product but it’s worth it in the long run)
2c) packaging: list any packaging used and include these on your supplies page from 2a
3) create a batch code for every batch created: I find the easiest way to handle this is in the following format (BC:(name of product in abbreviated form)so for lavender cold process soap I would use Cpl (the date it was created) let’s go for todays date 14042023 or 140423 lets use this for simplicity (the number of batches of this particular soap you have created )lets say this is your 1st batch so 01
Your batch code should look like this now BC:CPL-140423-01
4) write your batch code on the top of every page in your batch file so it doesn’t get mixed up with another product
5) put your batch file in your PIF
You will need to create a new batch file and number every time you create a new batch
Have a PIF for every product you make create batch files and numbers for every thing you make this way you can find the product and all information regarding this product every time
Good look and if you need any more info let me know I will be happy to help
Batch Numbers should contain following information:
1. Name of manufacturer
2. Name of soap maker
3. Ingredients
4. Amount of each ingredient
5. Variation
6. Manufacturer and Lab No. of ingredients used
7. Soap Manufacturing date
8. Soap expiration date
9. Curing time
10. Method of manufacture: CP/HP
11. Temperature at which soap was made
12. TFM
13. Any other information

Batch number : WYPBM
P - Plant where soap was made
B - batch number
M - Maker or individual ( initial of first name) in charge of line/or making soap batch

Hope this helps.
Thank you for this!
If you have made a PIF (product information file ) this will be easy
1) in your PIF should be all the information you need to recreate the soap ie oils used, lye concentration, % of oils and any official paperwork needed to create this product and sell to the public according to your country and government legislation
2)create a Batch File this should include description of the soap, a copy of the recipe used
2a) a list of suppliers used for ingredients there contact info and batch codes of all products used (I find this easier in spreadsheet form as a table) the batch codes should be numbers and or letters starting with (bc)or (lot) this is important. Include anything that goes into the product even the tiniest amount
2b) all written notes that you made while producing the product every detail that you can think (it takes a little longer to produce the product but it’s worth it in the long run)
2c) packaging: list any packaging used and include these on your supplies page from 2a
3) create a batch code for every batch created: I find the easiest way to handle this is in the following format (BC:(name of product in abbreviated form)so for lavender cold process soap I would use Cpl (the date it was created) let’s go for todays date 14042023 or 140423 lets use this for simplicity (the number of batches of this particular soap you have created )lets say this is your 1st batch so 01
Your batch code should look like this now BC:CPL-140423-01
4) write your batch code on the top of every page in your batch file so it doesn’t get mixed up with another product
5) put your batch file in your PIF
You will need to create a new batch file and number every time you create a new batch
Have a PIF for every product you make create batch files and numbers for every thing you make this way you can find the product and all information regarding this product every time
Good look and if you need any more info let me know I will be happy to help
This was helpful, thank you so much! :)
If you have made a PIF (product information file ) this will be easy
1) in your PIF should be all the information you need to recreate the soap ie oils used, lye concentration, % of oils and any official paperwork needed to create this product and sell to the public according to your country and government legislation
2)create a Batch File this should include description of the soap, a copy of the recipe used
2a) a list of suppliers used for ingredients there contact info and batch codes of all products used (I find this easier in spreadsheet form as a table) the batch codes should be numbers and or letters starting with (bc)or (lot) this is important. Include anything that goes into the product even the tiniest amount
2b) all written notes that you made while producing the product every detail that you can think (it takes a little longer to produce the product but it’s worth it in the long run)
2c) packaging: list any packaging used and include these on your supplies page from 2a
3) create a batch code for every batch created: I find the easiest way to handle this is in the following format (BC:(name of product in abbreviated form)so for lavender cold process soap I would use Cpl (the date it was created) let’s go for todays date 14042023 or 140423 lets use this for simplicity (the number of batches of this particular soap you have created )lets say this is your 1st batch so 01
Your batch code should look like this now BC:CPL-140423-01
4) write your batch code on the top of every page in your batch file so it doesn’t get mixed up with another product
5) put your batch file in your PIF
You will need to create a new batch file and number every time you create a new batch
Have a PIF for every product you make create batch files and numbers for every thing you make this way you can find the product and all information regarding this product every time
Good look and if you need any more info let me know I will be happy to help
This was really helpful. I went with your suggestion on how to batch code :)