Healing soap question


New member
Jul 16, 2024
I made this soap. Cleared my psoriasis and restored the skin in weeks.

But I took the scrapings from the pot and added them to distilled water. Roughly 3/1 Water/soap. I expected gelling at the top. but the whole thing gelled. Melts clear and watery with heat, but settles back to a gel. Stirring is like breaking up sour cream, but it settles right back, just like sour cream.

Having trouble describing it, But it's better than I thought I wanted. Any idea what in my recipe will help me reproduce this quality? I've diluted my bar soaps before. They always came out clea and lwatery, then gelled from the top down after days, not hours. And THIS is not the nuisance gel
a gift.jpg
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Update. Due to humidity swings from 40-90+% within hours, I made an error in curing. Sured fine in unrestricted airflow, even months later. Disregard tallow suggestion. Bar is plenty durable and hard.

This is NOT a "scented" soap! Essential oils are purely for nano-dosing health benefits. Castor oil is not for lather either. There were no aesthetic considerations in this recipe.

This is not a soap meant for the mechanic's handwash station.

Months later... Still no bedbug bites!