pre dispersing mica in oil

Byzantine Bohemian

New member
Nov 24, 2022
Hey everyone,
When you pre-disperse your mica in oils, and then add this oil mixture to the batter, does this oil come out of the original oil mixture or is it extra oil? I have looked all over for this information and can't find it anywhere! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates!
Hey everyone,
When you pre-disperse your mica in oils, and then add this oil mixture to the batter, does this oil come out of the original oil mixture or is it extra oil? I have looked all over for this information and can't find it anywhere! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates!
If you want to use it from your original oils, you will need to add all of your mica/oil mix in your soap ti keep the same superfat %. Personally, I pre-disperse my micas in an extra oil like jojoba (not from original oil mixture) and just let it be a little extra superfat moisturizing goodness for my soap. So the answer is just your personal preference as to whether or not you want to know the exact superfat %.
I make a 2500g batch, and disperse my micas in olive oil, probably less than 10 g total. I never account for it because it's such a small amount that I don't think it makes a difference at all.
I usually look at it as superfatting my recipe. Or.....I will take a few tablespoons from my liquid oils to dispers my colors......either way works fine for me.