Trial with available ingredients

Greg Bastiansz

New member
Mar 2, 2023
Sri Lanka
Today I did try out a very small batch of soap using the following ingredients and composition:
Coconut oil 97 g
Castor oil. 15 g
Liquid wax. 15 g ( white oil)
Neem oil. 30 g
Carbolic acid 11 g

Total oil weight 168g
CP method. Added lye water solution to oils at temperatures 98 and 101 °F respectively.

Boy before I could start hand mixing the liquids,ñ it started to gel. Quickly hand stirred the oils and put it in mold.

Doesn't seem to work as observed oil separation. Naturally, since didn't have enough time to hand mix let alone stick blend. Did this just out of curiosity and for experimental purpose. It was unscented although I intend using cinnamon oil and Hibiscus flower powder for colorant. Didn't have enough time to add these. The batter just gelled instantly.

Have to do a whole lot more of research and studies on using carbolic acid for soap making. Get the correct percentages and combinations.

Had glycerin but didn't want to use it on this trial.
That’s interesting. Have you tried soaping at room temperature? In South India it’s really warm now so apart from melting the butters, all other oils are at room temperature. Maybe the batch over heated and gelled?

For my understanding, what is the purpose of carbolic acid In soap?
In the ‘olden days’ it was used in products for antibacterial qualities. It still is commercially, but it is a petroleum derived product and can be very irritating to skin. It’s used commercially mostly in disinfectants and other products and not so much in soap, although there are probably still brands that sell it. I would never touch it or try to mess with it in soap; it would neutralize lye for one thing, and there are so many other better things to put in soap I would steer clear of it.