Ungelled soap advice

catherine self

New member
Apr 17, 2023
Hi, this is Catherine. New to soap making. I am interested in focusing on making ungelled soap. Is there anyone who does this a lot and can offer advice?
Can I use most recipes, or are there certain ingredients that don't work with this process. Is it mostly placing mold on wire rack, placing in fridge overnight, ... and trying not to heat oils too high?
Any advice or information as to where I can read more about this would be greatly appreciated. I am mostly wanting to work with herbal infused oils and do not want my oils to get too hot and damage the medicinal properties.
Thank you!
You can soap cooler, and put the soap in the freezer to set up. You just want to make sure that you are above the melting point of oils (like tallow or shea butter) that have a relatively high melting point compared to liquid oils.
Thank you Yooper for your advice. Every bit of knowledge is helpful and appreciated.
Grateful, Catherine
To gel or not to gel....that is the question.....gelling is a beast of its own. I have never come across a sure fire 100% way to prevent gelling. The only time I refrigerate my soaps is when I am using milks' or sugar based additives to my batter. Otherwise I fully insulate mine to encourage gelling.