Fat grease...


New member
Jun 12, 2022
I want to start making my own soap. There are several health food stores around me and all of them have artisan hand made soaps. I have tried several bars from different makers, but there's a problem. I find that no matter which kind of homemade soap I use, they won't clean off fat - body oil yes, but not fat. I cut a lot of meat and I trim off the fat and that fat gets on my hands. These soaps will not remove the fat on my hands. My hands remain "greasy" no matter how long I wash them. I find that I have to use commercial soaps (Dawn works great for that kind of oil/grease!) to get my hands clean. Is there a way around this or am I just buying the wrong kinds of soap?
Thank you! :)
Soap doesn’t really clean off fat very well, as you’ve found. I’d probably try one with 100% coconut oil, and a superfat of 10% or so. That could be very stripping, but it may work as a hand soap. For my body, I do salt bars with 100% coconut oil and a superfat of 20-25% with 50% salt of weight of oils and it’s not stripping/drying at all.

Coconut oil soaps can be very drying though, so I think it’d have to be a balancing act.
I keep a 100% coconut oil liquid soap for greasy kitchen jobs and add pumice to it for my hubby's soap. We keep them separate because they are quite drying. I tried 100% coconut oil with a bar soap but for whatever reason it still left that greasy feeling. It works better as a liquid soap.