It may not be what you add- it's the combination of ingredients. What I mean is, no matter what you add to an 80% olive oil soap, it just won't last that long in the shower compared to many other formulations.
The short answer is to add more 'hard' oils. That is, oils that are solid at room temperature. Think tallow, lard, palm oil, coconut oil, shea butter, etc. Now, too much coconut oil can be drying to the skin, so the recipe matters.
Make sure the soap is fully cured- and even the bars with lower longevity in the calculator will last longer.
"Hardness" means how hard the bar is after curing. For example.,100% olive oil bars will eventually get hard enough to pound nails. But, it won't last that long in the shower because it does sort of melt a bit and get slimy.
I have a recipe in the 'sample recipes', and it's a bar with tallow, and it lasts seemingly forever!