Soap properties not calculating correctly


New member
Aug 13, 2021
In both the app & web page, soap oil properties are not calculating correctly. Coconut oil at 15% is showing 0-1% for both lauric and myristic acid in a high lard soap recipe. At this point, I’m not confident there aren’t other error as well.
There were two choices for coconut oil and another oil. Is it possible that one of the choices doesn’t have the fatty acid profiles in it?
I just chose coconut 76 with the scientific name below it and now calculations are correct. Please fix double listings.
There were two choices for coconut oil and another oil. Is it possible that one of the choices doesn’t have the fatty acid profiles in it?

We don’t seem to have another coconut oil choice- I’ll dig into this and see what you’re seeing. Can you possibly screenshot your coconut oil choices in the recipe builder so I can see what you see, and then fix it/
As of last night, there is a still glitch in the SMF calculator for coconut oil and cocoa butter. If you choose plain coconut oil, the calculator enters all zeros for the fatty acids. The recipe will be superfatted by the percentage of coconut oil. The issue is the same for cocoa butter.

Note to everyone else, choose cocoa butter with the scientific name or coconut oil 76 degrees to get the correct numbers for your recipe. Do NOT choose the highlighted ingredients or you will have a soaping superfat disaster.
The coconut oil seems right- but ‘coconut’ isn’t coconut oil it is coconut. Is that the one you are trying to use? Admin didn’t add that, so I removed it. Someone entered it who is using coconut in their soap, maybe as a topping, and it’s not an oil so it’s in the wrong place.

The cocoa butter looks right to me.

I wonder- are you using one of the apps? Maybe some of the non-admin ingredients are being shown in the app? The ones we’ve entered will have a * next to them, and that’s all I see in my own account on the site version:


If this is happening on the app, I need to let the developer know right away. If you are, which app are you using?
I checked the coconut and cocoa butter both online and in the app. The error appeared in both of them. Yes, I figured out coconut was probably an ingredient added by someone else, but it popped up with the oils, so an error was in introduced into the oils section instead of additive section. The words “cocoa butter” without the scientific term in the oil’s section also came up with zeros in the fatty acid profile, so it has the same problem as the plain coconut. Can you check that in both the app and the online calculator, please?

Allowing people to introduce faulty information in that section can cause terrible harm. That may be a liability for the Calculator. It should not be allowed unless it added by an administrator. If someone wishes to add an oil with the fatty acid properties, that should go directly to an administrator.

I have been a faithful user of SMF Calculator, but this experience is making me rethink the need to use a different one and no longer recommend SMF. Please find a way to fix it!
We don’t seem to have another coconut oil choice- I’ll dig into this and see what you’re seeing. Can you possibly screenshot your coconut oil choices in the recipe builder so I can see what you see, and then fix it/
As of last night, there is a still glitch in the SMF calculator for coconut oil and cocoa butter. If you choose plain coconut oil, the calculator enters all zeros for the fatty acids. The recipe will be superfatted by the percentage of coconut oil. The issue is the same for cocoa butter.

Note to everyone else, choose cocoa butter with the scientific name or coconut oil 76 degrees to get the correct numbers for your recipe. Do NOT choose the highlighted ingredients or you will have a soaping superfat disaster.
View attachment 46577
We're redefined ingredients. That oils should not display to your list anymore.
The coconut oil listing is now fixed. Unfortunately, the cocoa butter problem is still there. If someone chooses just cocoa butter, and not the scientific name, they will get an inaccurate fatty acid profile for the NaOH amount. The screenshot for the listing followed by the screenshot with the fatty acid content appear below.

The coconut oil listing is now fixed. Unfortunately, the cocoa butter problem is still there. If someone chooses just cocoa butter, and not the scientific name, they will get an inaccurate fatty acid profile for the NaOH amount. The screenshot for the listing followed by the screenshot with the fatty acid content appear below.
View attachment 46607

View attachment 46608
I have checked your ingredients. That item was created by your account so it still listed in your list. Please go to this page to manage your ingredients.

I have checked your ingredients. That item was created by your account so it still listed in your list. Please go to this page to manage your ingredients.

Thank you for figuring out the issue and for sending the direct link. It is now corrected. I see there are two other items I entered, so I will triple check them.
Edit to add: I also had stearic acid from soy wax that was showing zeros, which I deleted.